Pyramid Vastu

Pyramid Vastu Services

The term ‘Pyramid’ has been described in Greek as ‘Pyra’ meaning fire (energy) and ‘Mid’ meaning middle (center or nucleus). Pyramids, take a form of structure with slanting sides meeting at the top. Pyramids that create energy help in the correction or alteration of vastu. These structures exhibit positive energy and neutralize the negative energy that is caused amongst any of the premises due to the incorrect vastu. Pyramid reproductions that are related on the measurements of the huge Egyptian pyramids are great sources of contribution in generating energy for the healing process. ‘Vastu’ integrates the magnetic fields of the Earth and other celestial bodies with cosmic rays play a very significant role in the happiness of family life and success of the business.

However, the vastu pyramids are considered the best when installed in the middle of a room, house, or any other energetic key point. As they are powerful, they can correct the vastu defects to a higher degree without even conducting any analysis. Such pyramids can be of any material, shape, or size as the selection would completely depend upon the need. Living in the home or office having done vastu corrections complying with the nature’s law dearly ensures general well being, happiness, and prosperity of the occupant.

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